Terms of service

The cover proposed is regulated by the Code des Assurances and meet the criteria of a ‘contrat responsable’ as per articles L871-1, R871-1 and R871-2 of the Code de la Sécurité sociale as well as their implementing decrees.

We collect your personal data and use it to treat this request and for our commercial relationship. It is used primarily by Allianz Group companies and by your insurance intermediary but also by different organizations and partners linked to Allianz Group companies. These recipients may be situated outside the European Union. In this case, we create specific guarantees to ensure the complete protection of your data.

Your personal information helps us to know you better and therefore to offer you relevant solutions and services. We conserve your personal information for the duration of your policy. Once the policy has ended, the information is kept during the limitation period.

You are of course free to access, request modification, rectification, portability or erasure and to object to its use. You can also contact the person responsible for personal information in order to request information or to object to use (loi “Informatique et Libertés” du 6 janvier 1978). To do so, simply send an email to informatiqueetliberte@allianz.fr or send a letter to Allianz – Informatique et Libertés – Case courrier S1805 – 1 cours Michelet – CS 30051 – 92076 Paris la Défense Cedex. You can also contact CNIL.

Your agreement is valid for commercial offers from Allianz Group in France and its partners for the services, insurance, banking and financial products they distribute. The targeting of these commercial offers may be automated and based on customer or potential customer profiles. For more detail, please refer to our data protection policy. This quotation is proposed by Allianz Group.